There are many reasons that can lead to poor working efficiency of bag filters, such as poorly designed dust removal systems, failure to follow operating procedures during use, and so on. Any of these details may cause the dust removal efficiency of bag filters to deteriorate. So when enterprises purchase and use bag filters, they must pay attention.
When choosing a bag filter, enterprises must provide specific information about the actual operating conditions, such as the temperature and corrosiveness of the flue gas, to the manufacturer of the bag filter. The structure and accessories of the dust collector used under different operating conditions vary. It is not enough to choose an unsuitable dust removal equipment just to pursue cost reduction. When inspecting the bag filter, it is necessary to strictly follow the relevant national standards for testing. Due to the working effect of the bag filter, it may also be affected by the manufacturing process of some dust removal accessories, such as poor quality of accessories, poor stitching of the box and ash hopper, which may cause air leakage and affect the dust removal effect.
If the dust removal effect of the bag filter does not meet the standard during use, the following suggestions can be taken to investigate one by one:
Contact Person: Miss. Doreen Zou
Tel: 0086 135 8806 5995
Fax: 86-571-86073956